"Suntem ceea ce mancam" (dpdv constitutiv) si in aceasta idee am recomandat cunoasterea acestei tehnologii si efectelor sale. Exista pe internet destule articole despre gradul de denaturare pe care-l suporta proteinele si consecintele acestor denaturari asupra biologiei celulare.
Dar mi se pare mie ca nu se cunosc pana una-alta niste notiuni de baza despre folosirea cuptoarelor cu microunde, foarte importante atat pentru evitarea acidentelor, cat si pentru o alimentatie cat de cat corecta. Si prin folosirea corecta inteleg printre altele si evitarea abuzurilor si intelegerea pericolelor acestora. De aceea am adunat aici o colectie de sfaturi, sugestii si avertismente privind folosirea cuptorului cu microunde. O parte sunt in limba romana.
Ghid pentru gatire la microunde:
• Gatiti produselor alimentare cat mai scurt timp posibil. Dacă este necesar, se adaugă cate 1minut la timpul de preparare a produselor alimentare, până când se ajunge la temperatura adecvată.
• Cantitatea, densitatea, precum şi temperatura alimentelor vor determina timpul de preparare necesar. Verificaţi periodic daca este gata, şi dacă este necesar, prelungiti timpul de coacere.
• Alimentele cu continut ridicat în grăsimi şi zahăr se gătesc mai repede decât alimente cu un conţinut mare de apă.
• Alimentele omogene şi uniforme se gatesc mai bine.
• În cazul în care aveti bucăţi mari reduceti nivelului de putere, pentru a permite patrunderea caldurii prin omogenizarea tempoeraturii.
• Alimentele umede se gatesc mai uniform decât cele uscate. Alimente cu un conţinut scăzut de umiditate trebuie să fie acoperite în timpul prepararii. Lasati alimentele să mai stea după prepararea termică, astfel încât caldura sa se poata dispersa uniform.
• agitare si intoarcerea produselor alimentare în timpul prepararii va ajuta caldura să se distribuie uniform şi va împiedica arderea pe margini. Dacă este posibil, amestecati alimentele dupa incalzire, înainte de servire.
• Energia microundelor ajunge mai bine pe la marginile vasului decat in centru. Deci, plasati spre exemplu legumele mai dense spre marginile vasului (tulpina de broccoli) şi cele mai puţin dense spre centru (floarea de broccoli).
• Acoperirea mâncare va reduce timpul de preparare, se reduce stropirea şi contribuie la păstrarea alimentelor umede, precum si la o incalzire mai uniforma.
• Pentru cele mai bune rezultate, utilizaţi o furculiţă pentru a intepa produsele alimentare cu o piele sau membrana (de exemplu: cartofi, tomate, carnati, gălbenuşul de ou) pentru a preveni explozia lor din cauza aburului.
• Întotdeauna mai lasati alimentele dupa gătite în cuptorul cu microunde pentru a se omogeniza temperaturacirca un minut înainte de servire.
• agitare si intoarcerea produselor alimentare în timpul prepararii va ajuta caldura să se distribuie uniform şi va împiedica arderea pe margini. Dacă este posibil, amestecati alimentele dupa incalzire, înainte de servire.
• Energia microundelor ajunge mai bine pe la marginile vasului decat in centru. Deci, plasati spre exemplu legumele mai dense spre marginile vasului (tulpina de broccoli) şi cele mai puţin dense spre centru (floarea de broccoli).
• Acoperirea mâncare va reduce timpul de preparare, se reduce stropirea şi contribuie la păstrarea alimentelor umede, precum si la o incalzire mai uniforma.
• Pentru cele mai bune rezultate, utilizaţi o furculiţă pentru a intepa produsele alimentare cu o piele sau membrana (de exemplu: cartofi, tomate, carnati, gălbenuşul de ou) pentru a preveni explozia lor din cauza aburului.
• Întotdeauna mai lasati alimentele dupa gătite în cuptorul cu microunde pentru a se omogeniza temperaturacirca un minut înainte de servire.
• mărimea şi forma unui container va influenţa timpul de preparare. Alimentele preparate într-un vas îngust se gatesc mult mai rapid decât aceeaşi cantitate de alimente preparate într-un recipient inalt. Deoarece microundele pătrund din toate părţile, in vasele rotunde se gateste mai uniform
• Pentru decongelare asezati alimentele in centru ca spitele unei roti.
• Se lasă spaţiu suficient între produsele alimentare atunci când sunt asezate pentru microunde.
• Folosiţi in cuptorul cu microunde numai vase care stiti sigur ca sunt potrivite pentru microunde.
• Utilizaţi mănuşi atunci când scoateti bucate şi produse alimentare de la cuptor cu microunde, după preparare.
• Pentru decongelare asezati alimentele in centru ca spitele unei roti.
• Se lasă spaţiu suficient între produsele alimentare atunci când sunt asezate pentru microunde.
• Folosiţi in cuptorul cu microunde numai vase care stiti sigur ca sunt potrivite pentru microunde.
• Utilizaţi mănuşi atunci când scoateti bucate şi produse alimentare de la cuptor cu microunde, după preparare.
Ghid pentru Pregătirea produselor ambalate:
• Pregătiţi un întreg pachet de alimente sau un pachet de la un pachet multiplu, la un moment dat. Nu impartiti in portii un pachet schimbandu-i modul de ambalare (floricelel de porumb de ex, nu trebuie scoase din punga lor, si nu se poate inlocui cu o alta punga daca cea originala s-a deteriorat).
• Alimentele trebuie să fie cât mai proaspete cu putinţă şi sa nu fi trecut data de expirare.
• Folosiţi doar vase care stiti sigur ca sunt potrivite pentru microunde. Când sunt din plastic sau din hartie, prosoapele de bucătărie pentru microunde au o compozitie speciala care evita fragmentele metalice. In cazul in care folositi servetele din hartie recuperata care contine urme de poleiala, acestea vor lua foc.
• Urmaţi instructiunile de pe pachet pentru adăugarea de apă, unt, sare, lapte, sau alte ingrediente şi apoi amestecarea lor împreună, pentru ca in anumite conditii exista pericolul de explozie si arsuri.
• Urmaţi instrucţiunile producătorului pentru a perfora pungile/ambalajele inchise care pot fi introduse la microunde cu totul, cojiti salamul si carnatii sau taiati-i in bucati mai mici pentru a nu exploda. Ouale, castanele si alunele explodeaza de obicei (mai ales daca nu sunt perforate).
• nu e nevoie sa rotiti vasul în timpul prepararii; acest lucru nu este necesar deoarece cuptorul cu microunde are o turnantă automata al carei sens se schimba periodic.
• Asezati vasul in centru pe turnantă.
• Amestecarea periodica ajuta la omogenizarea caldurii in alimente.
• Daca nu sunt gata, alimentele pot fi reintroduse in cuptorul cu microunde pentru a continua gatirea/incalzirea.
• dacă este indicat pe ambalaj, se lasă să stea în alimentele in cuptorul cu microunde, după preparare inca o perioada.
• În cazul în care instructiunile de pe ambalajul alimentelor spun sa nu fie servite imediat ci dupa cateva mionute, scoateti vasul din cuptorul cu microunde - nu lasati alimente/vase/obiecte nesupravegheate in cuptorul cu microunde.
• dacă este indicat pe ambalaj, se lasă să stea în alimentele in cuptorul cu microunde, după preparare inca o perioada.
• În cazul în care instructiunile de pe ambalajul alimentelor spun sa nu fie servite imediat ci dupa cateva mionute, scoateti vasul din cuptorul cu microunde - nu lasati alimente/vase/obiecte nesupravegheate in cuptorul cu microunde.
Ce avem voie:
Folie de aluminiu - cand gatim, numai pt a proteja de ardere anumite parti proeminente (picioarele de la pui), astfel incat sa nu se apropie la mai putin de 3cm de pereti pentru ca se produc descarcari electrice.
Vesela, farfusii, borcane fara capac, vesela din sticla termorezistenta, plastic simplu sau special - numai daca sunt marcate cu semnul specific, daca rezista la temperaturile la care dorim sa le supunem continutul, sau daca le-am testat inainte.
Pungi de gatit speciale - respectati instructiunile de pe ele, perforati sau deschideti locasul de ventilare al pungilor
Vase din hartie, hartie cerata, pergament, servetele - numai daca sunt speciale pentru microunde, numai la o temperatura mai redusa si numai pentru incalzit
Folie din plastic pentru a mentine umezeala - numai folie speciala, nu in contact cu alimnetele.
Ce nu avem voie:
Nu putem pune nici un fel de vase crapate pentru ca se vor sparge din cauza diferentei de incalzire.
Nu putem pune containere inchise pentru ca pot exploda, chiar si dupa oprirea cuptorului.
Nu avem voie vase/tavi din aluminiu, tavi din cartoin cu manere din metal (se aprind) sau cu margini metalice (idem).
Nu avem voie cleme sau forme metalice in U (cleme de la pungi).
Nu avem voie pahare din plastic subtire care nu sunt rezistente la caldura si se pot topi.
Deasemenea nu avem voie vase din lemn care se usuca, crapa si eventual se pot aprinde la deschiderea usii cuprotului.
Metalele reflecta si ecraneaza microundele. Ele se pot incalzi de la alimentele pe care le ating. Metalele nu se incalzesc direct, dar pot produce descarcari electrice care pot aprinde produsele/ambalajele. De aceea este obligatorie indepartarea clemelor metalice de la pungi inainte de introducerea lor in cuptorul cu microunde.
Microundele incalzesc diferit zone diferite din produs in functie de compozitie si asezare.
Atentie ca apa/cafeaua/laptele ating ajung la fierbere intr-unul sau mai multe puncte, fara sa se observe acest lucru. Dar incepe o reactie violenta cu producere de aburi cand introducem o lingura sau daca de exemplu punem zahar.
De aceea dupa oprire e bine sa mai lasam un minut pana la omogenizarea temperaturii produsului.
este bine sa acoperim produsul cu o folie/capac adecvat folosirii la microunde spre a mentine umiditatea, a evita stropirea si a grabi incalzirea.
Recommended Cooking Power Level
Power Level
P 10 (high)
Boil water
Most prepackaged microwave foods
Sauté ground beef
Cook fresh fruits and vegetables
Make candy
Cook fish, meat, and poultry
Prepare rice
P 9 / P 8
Heat precooked food
Sauté onions, celery, and green peppers
P 8 / P 7
Roast tender cuts of meat and poultry
Cook mushrooms and shellfish
Cook foods which contain cheese & egg
P 6
Preparing sauces and gravies
P 5 (medium)
Cook meat and poultry
Cook custard
Prepare soup
P 4
Cook less tender cuts of meats
P 3
Melt butter and chocolate
P 2
Soften butter & cheese
P 1 (Low)
Soften ice cream
Raise yeast dough
Keep cooked foods warm for short periods of time
Fresh Vegetable Cooking Guide
Use microwave plastic wrap to cover vegetables when cooking. Vegetable
Container / Liquid
Power Level
3 cups, cut into 1 to 2 inch pieces 2 quart casserole, add 1⁄4 cup water
P 10
6 to 10
1 lb
1-11⁄2 quart oblong glass baking dish, add 1⁄4 cup water
P 7
6 to 10
1 lb cut in half
1-11⁄2 quart casserole, add 1⁄2 cup water
P 10
12 to 17
1 bunch 2 quart casserole, add 1⁄2 cup water
P 10
15 to 20
1 bunch (11⁄4 to 11⁄2 lbs)
2 quart oblong glass baking dish, add 1⁄4 cup water
P 10
8 to 12
1 bunch (11⁄4 to 11⁄2 lbs)
2 quart casserole, add 1⁄2 cup water
P 10
7 to 10
Brussel Sprouts
1 lb
1-11⁄2 quart casserole add 1⁄4 cup water
P 10
7 to 10
1 medium head (about 2 lbs)
1-11⁄2 or 2 quart casserole, add 1⁄4 cup water
P 10
8 to 11
2 or 3 quart casserole add 1⁄4 cup water
P 10
7 to 10
| |
1 lb
1-11⁄2 quart casserole add 1⁄4 cup water
P 10
6 to 9
1 medium head
2 quart casserole, add 1⁄2 cup water
P 10
10 to 17
1 medium head
2 quart casserole, add 1⁄2 cup water
P 10
9 to 14
4 medium
3 quart casserole, add 1 cup water
P 10
13 to 18
Corn on the Cob
1 to 5 small ears
3 quart oblong glass baking dish. If corn is in husk, use no water, if husk has been removed, add 1⁄4 cup water. Rearrange after half the cooking time.
P 10
3 to 4 per ear
1 medium, about 1 lb
2 quart casserole, add 3 tablespoons of water to peeled and diced eggplant.
P 10
5 to 8
1 lb
1-11⁄2 quart casserole, add 1⁄4 cup water. Slice parsnips 1⁄4 inch thick.
P 10
7 to 10
2 lbs unshelled
1 quart casserole, add 1⁄4 cup water
P 10
9 to 12
Whole Sweet or White
1 to 4 (6 to 8 oz each)
Pierce with fork. Place on paper towel on turntable 1 inch apart in circular arrangement.
P 10
3 to 5
Cubed White
4 potatoes (6 to 8 oz each)
Peel, cut into 1 inch cubes, 2 quart casserole with 1/3 cup water. Stir after halfway through cooking time.
P 10
10 to 14
10 to 16 oz
2 quart casserole, place washed spinach.
P 10
5 to 8
Summer and Yellow
1 lb sliced
1-11⁄2 quart casserole, add 1⁄4 cup water.
P 10
5 to 7
Winter Acorn or Butternut
1 to 2 squash (about 1 lb each)
Cut in half and remove fibrous membranes. 2 quart oblong glass baking dish, place squash cut side down. Cover with plastic wrap. Turn cut side up after half time.
P 10
9 to 12
1 lb cubed
In 1-11⁄2 quart casserole, add 3 tablespoons water.
P 10
6 to 9
Microwave Cooking Guide
Always cook in microwave-safe containers. Paper is acceptable for some foods. DO NOT USE METAL CONTAINERS. Cooking times and food quantities should be used as guidelines only.
Power Level
| |
| ||||
Party Mix (21⁄2 quarts)
P 10
5 to 7 minutes
Stir every 2 to 3 minutes
| |
Meatballs, small meat or Hot Dog chunks (24)
P 10
5 to 8 minutes
Spread in single layer in 2 quart oblong baking dish.
| |
Stuffed Vegetables (12)
P 10
3 to 5 minutes
Space evenly on plate lined with paper towels.
| |
Toasted Nuts or Seeds (1⁄2 to 1 cup)
P 10
3 to 5 minutes
Combine nuts with small amount of butter. Stir every 11⁄2 to 2 minutes.
| |
| ||||
Round Cake
P 8
3 to 5 minutes
Check at minimum time.
| |
Fluted Tube Cake
P 10
12 to 16 minutes
Let stand 10 minutes before inverting.
| |
Cheesecake(9 inch pie plate)
P 8
10 to 14 minutes
Put mixture in 2 quart casserole dish until thick and smooth. Stir with wire whisk every 2 minutes. Pour into crumb crust and place in refrigerator until firm.
| |
Bar Cookies(8 inch square dish)
P 10
5 to 7 minutes
Check at minimum time.
| |
Muffins (6)
P 8
2 to 4 minutes
Check at minimum time.
| |
Eggs, Cheese, Dairy
| ||||
Scrambled Eggs
P 10
45 seconds to 1 minute per egg.
Stir during cooking.
| |
P 7
5 to 21 minutes
Pour filling into pre-baked shell.
| |
Thickened Sauces and Gravies (1 cup)
P 6
3 to 5 minutes
Microwave drippings, flour, and salt for 1 to 2 minutes; blend before adding liquid.
| |
Scald Milk (1⁄2 cup)
P 7
3 to 5 minutes
Check at minimum time.
| |
Melt Butter (1⁄2 cup)
P 10
30 seconds to 1 minute
Check at minimum time.
| |
Soften Cream Cheese(8 oz)
P 7
1 to 2 minutes
Remove foil wrapper, place on microwave-safe plate. Stir every 30 seconds.
| |
Fish & Shellfish
| ||||
Fillets or Steaks(1 lb)
P 10
5 to 7 minutes
Delicate fish should be placed in or on a microwave-safe dish.
| |
Casserole, precooked(2 to 3 quart)
P 10
12 to 18 minutes
Delicate fish should be placed in or on a microwave-safe dish.
| |
Scallops, Shrimp, peeled (1 lb)
P 10
4 to 7 minutes
Brush with garlic butter before cooking.
| |
| ||||
Baked Apples or Pears
P 10
2 to 4 minutes per piece
Pierce or peel to prevent bursting.
| |
Meats and Poultry
| ||||
The USDA recommends cooking meats to the following internal temperatures to be sure any harmful bacteria has been killed. To measure the internal temperature of meat, insert a meat thermometer into the thickest portion. Do not allow the tip of the thermometer to come into contact with bone.
Food Internal Temperature Ground
Cuts turkey and chickenbeef, veal, lamb and pork 165°F (74°C) 160°F (71°C)
Whole Cuts beef, lamb and vealpork 145°F (63°C)160°F (71°C)
Poultry Cuts white meatdark meatgoose and duck 170°F (77°C)180°F (82°C)180°F (82°C)
Reheating Meat, Poultry Products and Casseroles165°F (74°C)
| ||||
Ground Meat, 1 lb
P 10
5 to 7 minutes
Break up and stir halfway through cooking time.
| |
Bacon (2 to 8 strips)
P 10
30 seconds to 1 minute per slice
Place on paper towel-lined plate.
| |
Sausage Patties
P 10
1 min per patty
Place on paper towel-lined plate. Turn over half way through cooking time.
| |
Sausage Links
P 10
30 to 45 seconds per link
Place on paper towel-lined plate. Turn over half way through cooking time.
| |
Franks or Hot Dogs (1 lb)
P 10
3 to 6 minutes
Place in microwave-safe dish with 3⁄4 cup water. Rearrange half way through cooking time.
| |
Meat Casseroles with pre-cooked Meat and Ingredients
P 10
19 to 30 minutes
Stir halfway through cooking time.
| |
Meat Stews with raw Meat and Vegetables
P 5
70 to 80 minutes
Rearrange or stir halfway through cooking time.
| |
Meat Patties(4 per lb, or 4 oz each)
P 10
5 to 7 minutes
Place on paper towel-lined plate. Rearrange halfway through cooking time.
| |
Spareribs (2 to 3 lb)
P 5
80 to 90 minutes
Place in microwave-save casserole, cover with liquid. Rearrange halfway though cooking time. 10 minutes before end of cooking time drain and add barbeque sauce. Complete cooking.
| |
Chops with Sauce
P 8
30 to 40 minutes
Turn over halfway through cooking time.
| |
Pot Roast, 3 to 4 lb
P 4
18 to 23 minutes per lb
Use microwave-safe cooking bag. Turn over halfway through cooking time.
| |
Pot Roast, tender
P 5
13 to 15 minutes per lb
Use microwave-safe cooking bag. Turn over halfway through cooking time.
| |
Roast, tender beef such as rib-eye or rolled rib
P 7
Rare: 11 to 14 minutes per lb
Medium: 14 to 17 minutes per lb
Well done: 17 to 20 minutes per lb
Use microwave-safe cooking bag. Turn over halfway through cooking time.
| |
Ham Roast, pre-cooked
P 6
14 to 17 minutes per lb
Use microwave-safe cooking bag. Turn over halfway through cooking time.
| |
Pasta and Cereals
| ||||
Long pieces (Spaghetti, Linguini, etc.
P 10
12 to 15 minutes
In 2 quart oblong glass dish, add 6 cups hot water, 1 tablespoon cooking oil and 1 teaspoon salt. Rearrange halfway through cooking time.
| |
Noodle or Rice Casseroles (2 quarts)
P 10
8 to 15 minutes
Stir halfway through cooking time.
| |
Hot Cereal, regular or instant
P 10
11⁄2 to 3 minutes
Add amount of water specified by package directions. Stir halfway through cooking time.
| |
Rice, instant
P 10
11⁄2 to 3 minutes
Add amount of water specified by package directions. Stir halfway through cooking time.
| |
Pie Crust
| ||||
Crumb Crust (9 inch)
P 6
2 to 3 minutes
Check at minimum time.
| |
Poultry (use microwave-safe cooking bag)
| ||||
Chicken, cut up. 6 to 8 pieces
P 10
11 to 16 minutes per piece
Turn over halfway through cooking time.
| |
Whole Chicken or Cornish Hens
P 7
9 to 12 minutes per lb.
Turn over halfway through cooking time.
| |
Turkey Legs or Quarters
P 7
11 to 14 minutes per lb.
Turn over halfway through cooking time.
| |
Turley Breast
P 7
12 to 15 minutes per lb.
Place on microwave-safe dish, breast-side down. Turn over halfway through cooking time.
| |
| ||||
Fried 1 or 2 eggs
P 10
30 to 60 seconds per egg
Break egg into small plate that has been greased with butter. Gently prick yolk with fork. Cover with plastic wrap. Place a glass of water beside the plate to promote even cooking of the white and yolk.
| |
Scrambled, 2 eggs
P 10
1 to 2 minutes
Place 1 tablespoon butter in small bowl. Turn microwave on high, 25 to 30 seconds or until butter is melted. Add eggs and 2 tablespoons milk. Beat with fork to scramble. Cover with plastic wrap. Stir halfway through cooking time. Season, stir, and let stand to complete cooking.
| |
P 10
P 8
2 minutes
3 to 5 minutes
Use a microwave-safe container. Add water to fill 2 inches deep. Heat on high for 2 minutes to bring the water to a boil. Break eggs, one at a time, into sauce dish; then slip each egg into water, holding dish close Simmer 3 to 5 minutes on P 8 depending on degree of doneness desired. When done, remove eggs with slotted pancake turner or spoon. Drain on paper towels.
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Reheating Guide
Stir or rearrange large amount of food after half the suggested heating time. To be thoroughly heated, food should reach a temperature of 160˚F to 165˚F.
Allow foods to stand a few minutes before serving.
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Saucy meatballs, riblets,
cocktail franks, etc.
Dips: cream or process cheese
Pastry bites: small pizzas, egg
rolls, etc.
1 to 2 servings
3 to 4 servings
1⁄2 cup
1 cup
2 to 4 servings
P 10
P 10
P 5
P 5
P 10
1 to 2
3 to 4
1⁄2 to 1
2 to 3
1 to 3
Dinner Plate
Meats & Main Dishes
Meat plus 2 vegetables
Saucy (1 cup serving) chop
suey, spaghetti, creamed
chicken, chili, stew, macaroni
and cheese, etc.
Meats (4-oz servings)
Thinly sliced meat:
Rare minimum time
Medium rare maximum time
Well done beef, pork, ham,
poultry, etc.
Rare beef steak
Well done beef, chops, ribs etc.
Hamburger or meat loaf
Chicken pieces
Hot dogs and sausages
Rice and pasta (1 cup serving)
Plain or buttered
Topped or mixed with sauce
1 plate
1 to 2 servings
3 to 4 servings
1 to 10 oz can
1 to 2 servings
3 to 4 servings
1 to 2 servings
3 to 4 servings
1 to 2 servings
3 to 4 servings
1 to 2 servings
3 to 4 servings
1 to 2 servings
3 to 4 servings
1 to 2 pieces
3 to 4 pieces
1 to 2
3 to 4
1 to 2 servings
3 to 4 servings
1 to 2 servings
3 to 4 servings
P 10
P 10
P 10
P 10
P 7
P 7
P 8
P 8
P 8
P 8
P 8
P 8
P 10
P 10
P 10
P 10
P 10
P 10
P 10
P 10
P 10
P 10
2 to 4
1 to 2
2 to 3
2 to 3
1 to 3
2 to 4
1 to 3
3 to 4
1 to 2
2 to 3
1 to 2
2 to 3
1 to 11⁄2
2 to 3
1 to 11⁄2
2 to 3
1⁄2 to 11⁄2
11⁄2 to 2
1 to 2
2 to 3
1 to 2
2 to 4
& Soups
Moist filling (1⁄2 cup serving)
Meat cheese filling with ham
Soup (1 cup serving) Water based
Dairy based
1 to 2 servings
3 to 4 servings
1 plate
3 to 4 servings
1 to 2 servings
3 to 4 servings
1 10 oz can
1 to 2 servings
3 to 4 servings
1 10 oz can
P 7
P 7
P 8
P 8
P 10
P 10
P 10
P 8
P 8
P 8
1 to 2
2 to 4
1 to 11⁄2
11⁄2 to 21⁄2
1 to 8
3 to 4
3 to 4
2 to 3
3 to 5
6 to 8
Small (1⁄2 cup serving)
peas, beans, corn, etc.
Large or whole asparagus
spears, corn on the cob,etc.
Mashed potatoes, squash,
pumpkin, etc. (1⁄2 cup serving)
1 to 2 servings
3 to 4 servings
1 16 oz can
1 to 2 servings
3 to 4 servings
1 16 oz can
1 to 2 servings
3 to 4 servings
P 10
P 10
P 10
P 10
P 10
P 10
P 10
P 10
1 to 2
2 to 3
2 to 3
1 to 2
2 to 3
2 to 3
1 to 3
3 to 4
Dessert: chocolate or
Chunky type giblet gravy,
spaghetti sauce, etc.
Creamy type
1⁄2 cup
1 cup
1⁄2 cup
1 cup
1 16 oz can
1⁄2 cup
1 cup
P 10
P 10
P 10
P 10
P 10
P 10
P 10
1⁄2 to 1
1 to 2
1⁄2 to 1
1 to 2
2 to 3
1⁄2 to 1
1 to 2
Cake, coffee cake, doughnuts
sweet rolls, nut or fruit
Dinner rolls, muffins
Pie: fruit, nut or custard
1/8 of 9 inch pie = 1 slice
(use minimum time
for custard)
1 piece
2 pieces
9 inch cake or
12 rolls or
2 to 4
6 to 8
1 slice
2 slices
9 inch pie
P 3
P 3
P 3
P 5
P 5
P 5
P 5
P 10
P 10
P 8
1⁄2 to 1
1 to 11⁄2
2 to 4
2 to 3
1⁄4 to 1⁄2
1⁄2 to 1
1 to 2
1⁄2 to 1
1 to 11⁄2
3 to 4
Pancakes, French toast
or waffles
Plain, no topping
With syrup & butter
With 2 sausage patties (cooked)
2 or 3 pieces
2 or 3 pieces
2 or 3 pieces
P 10
P 10
P 10
1⁄2 to 1
1 to 2
1 to 2
Coffee, tea, cider, other
water based
Cocoa, other dairy based
1 to 2 cups
3 to 4 cups
1 to 2 cups
3 to 4 cups
P 7
P 10
P 7
P s7
3 to 4
4 to 6
3 to 4
6 to 8
Other Microwave Oven Uses
• Crisp stale crackers or chips by heating on high power for 45-60 seconds.
• Defrost bread, frozen stock, egg whites, and pie dough.
• Dry fresh herbs by placing between paper towels, then heating on high power for 4 minutes or until dried. Let stand 10 minutes before storing in a covered jar.
• To extract more flavor and juice from fruits such as lemons, oranges, limes and grapefruit, heat on high power for 15 seconds and allow to stand 3 minutes before squeezing.
• To liquefy honey that has crystallized, heat on high power for 30-45 seconds.
• To help loosen peels on fresh peaches or tomatoes, heat on high power for 10 to 30 seconds, depending on the fruit and size. Let stand for 10 minutes for peeling.
• Before grilling meat or poultry, microwave on high power for about 3 minutes per pound. This will reduce the grilling time and help to keep the meat or poultry from drying out while cooking.
• When freezer packages stick to frozen foods, heat on high power for 15 seconds. Allow the food to stand for 3 to 5 minutes before removing it from the package.
• To scald a cup of milk, heat on high power for 1 to 2 minutes.
• Soften brown sugar, butter, marshmallows, caramels, or ice cream by heating on high power for 5 seconds to 11⁄2 minutes, depending on the food.
• Toast nuts or seeds by placing in a single layer on a plate and heating on high power for 5 up to 7 minutes. Nu si castane, alune, cocos, deci fara nuci ermetic inchise care contin lichid.
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Cu respect,
Dr Daniel Ganea
dr. Daniel Ganea
Medic de familie, Ecografie la domiciliu,
Medic urgente ambulanta privata
Comunitatea Oamenilor Sanatosi
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A man who is his own lawyer has a fool for his client
RăspundețiȘtergereUn om care este propriul sau avocat este un prost.
- shakwandee5ha